Page 15 - 030-16 Focus Fall 2015
P. 15

William C. Miller III
Bill Miller completed his 9-year tenure on this Board, serving two terms as treasurer, and as president from 2012 to 2014. He was an active committee member, serving as President of the Performing Arts Charitable Endowment Board, Chairman of the Finance Committee and Chairman of the Resource Enterprise Development Committee.
Those of you who know Bill know that he is passionate about his work, and he takes the time to study the issues thoroughly. He played leadership roles in many key Board initiatives, most notably revamping the Investment Policy, supporting regional economic development and building student scholarship support to its highest levels ever. Bill was also highly skilled as an ambassador and advocate for YC. It is here that Bill really excelled, and many who are now actively involved with the Foundation can thank Bill for their first introduction to this outstanding community resource.
Bill and his wife, Carol, have also been generous philanthropists every step of the way. They endowed the Miller Family Scholarship for students pursuing degrees in math, engineering or nursing. They have been active members of the YCF Legacy League, and they are Founders of the Southwest Wine Center. Earlier this year, they funded the first apiary located on a YC campus in honor of Carol’s brother, who was a beekeeper. Thanks to Bill and Carol, YC agricultural students will now better understand the role pollination plays in food cultivation and production.
Dr. Richard Wright
Richard Wright joined the YCF Board in 2007 and quickly became a role model for others. During his 9-year tenure, he served as first vice-president and also two terms as president. He served as Fundraising Committee Chairman, Bylaws Committee Chairman, Audit Committee Chairman and as a member of the Finance, Development and Executive committees.
Richard played an especially important role through 2008-2010 when YCF was selected as the only charitable organization outside of Maricopa County for the Arizona Endowment Building Initiative (AEBI). Thanks in large part to Dr. Wright’s leadership, both as an AEBI mentor and as a participating YCF Board member, YCF successfully graduated from the program in 2010. Since that time, Board and staff have remained steadfast in their goal to grow the YCF Endowment Fund to $16,000,000 by the year 2020.
Richard and his wife, Loretta, have also been very generous donors throughout the years, endowing the Richard and Loretta Wright Staff Development Scholarship Fund in support of YC staff development, becoming Legacy League members and joining the Founder’s Wall of YC’s Southwest Wine Center.
In recognition of their outstanding service, YCF is dedicating beautiful trees to Mr. Miller and Dr. Wright outside the Performing Arts Center. These trees will stand as testaments to their vast body of great work on behalf of YC and will inspire students and community members for decades to come.
2014-2015 Annual Report
FY 2015 Expenditures
Administration, 7.2%
Programs & services
Fundraising, 4.5%
Programs & services, 88.3%
Direct Support of Yavapai College
Scholarship assistance to students, funding of capital projects and program enhancements
$1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000
$800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000
2013 2014 2015
Number of Endowed Student Scholarships
2006 2008 2010 2012 2015
77 • Fall 2015 13
Growth of Endowment
$12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $‐
2008 2010
2012 2015

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